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Sunday 27 April 2014

Tokyo Troopers Day 2 - Part 2 [Shibuya]

Hi all, it's been a while since I've posted about my Japan Trip. So I shall continue today with Day 2 part 2 of the trip!

So after exploring the city of Harajuku, we went one stop down the JR Yamanote Line and made our way to the Vibrant City of SHIBUYA!

 Shibuya is one of the liveliest city in Tokyo, with many Jumbo sized shopping centers clustering together in different parts of the cities as well as crazy crowds  swarming the streets from dawn till dusk. Some Places of interest we visited/walked passed include: Shibuya 109, Hachiko Statue, Tokyo Hands ... etc.

Let's not waste anymore time and go straight to the pics shall we?

View from the Train Station Exit

 Outside the train station, you'll be able to see a group of people (usually tourists) gathering around this dog statue. It will take a while to type the entire story here so you can search it up on google if you're really interested in the story of this loyal dog. 

Took a while to take a clear shot cause there's sooooo many people

 One of the iconic attractions in the city: The Shibuya crossing. 

Best place to take a picture of the crossing?
I would recommend those who want to take a picture of the crossing to go to the Starbucks located at level 2 of the building opposite the streets. Level 2 is great because you get to see the crossing top down and up close. 

Shibuya Crossing

Afterwards, we went to explore the streets of Shibuya:

Hope to see this in Singapore someday, having this many eating outlets on the same street :)

Neon Building

Stumbled upon this Little Pet Shop:


*Death Stares*

Stop by at TokyoHands - Shibuya to do some shopping. I've introduced TokyoHands in my previous blog post already so i'll just leave some pics for you guys to look at


Space Food !

Rocks and Gems

3D Puzzle

Figurines made by metal sheets
Really Awesome Display

Tokyo Hands here openly sells test tubes and other laboratory apparatus

We then took a short walk along ''Spain Zaka'' スペイン坂 or Spanish Hill and manage to settle down at a restaurant to have our dinner

Spot the Spanish Flag

Stopped by at this Omurice Restaurant for dinner and the food there is just too damn good. There's a crazy variety of Omurice available here.

Seafood Omurice

After dinner, we circled around the other streets of Shibuya randomly and found a Second Hand clothes shop! This Second Hand Clothes Shop called ''Bingo'' is located at the basement of a bookshop called ''BookOff''. The following pictures you're gonna see will blow your minds:

Clothes Sorted out according to brand and colour, OCD people are you feeling better now?
Hats and Jeans


Flannel Shirts!

In Japan, cheap clothes are mostly found in Second Hand Clothes shops and well, there are pros and cons when it comes to shopping there. Depending on the brand, some of the shirts may have their prices discounted drastically whereas some may just be a $50 discount off the original price. Also, some of the products have defects like holes, loose threads and the most common defect: white turned yellow products. I can't really tell you if it's a good place to shop here because I feel that you yourself will be the best judge to see if the item is really worth the money because different people have different expectations of the products, some of us are willing to close one eye and accept minor defects whereas some of us would rather die then to buy products with minor defects.

Finally, i will show you the most interesting thing I've ever came across so far while in Japan. Was desperately trying to find a toilet and I found this super cool urinal in one of the toilets at the Sega Building. 

There's a screen above the urinal which shows a girl with her hat and what you need to do is to pee on the target on the urinal. As you pee, the screen will show the girl getting blown by a gust of wind. The longer you pee, the stronger the wind which will eventually blow her skirt upwards :P 

The longer you pee on the target, the stronger the wind, the higher the skirt lifts:)


Well, thats all for now. In the next traaaaavel blog post, i will be introducing day3 of my tokyo trip where i will be going to Tokyo University, the top university in Japan. I will also be exploring the great city of Akihabara, home to large amount of electrical appliance shops as well as anime figurine shops. Stay tuned !

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