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Saturday 5 April 2014

Tokyo Troopers - Day 1 Part 2

[...Continue from Tokyo Troopers - Day 1 Part 1 ]

Japanese are seriously Daaaaammmmnnn organized. Really like how they're so meticulous when it comes to categorizing their products for display. The two places i visited on Day 1's afternoon [Shinjuku's Tokyo Hands and Kinokuniya] gave me, and will also give you countless hours of Eye-gasms . I'm about to explode.

So what's TokyoHands? : Nope, its nothing to do with a handjob or anything related to porn for that matter. It's a crazy organized department stall with different items properly categorized and sold on each level. *Different Outlets may organize their stuff differently .

[Here's the link to Shinjuku's TokyoHands'. You may want to take a look at the floor information for this outlet

As you can see from the floor information, Tokyo Hands sells a pretty wide range of stuff. From Healthcare Products to Stationary to Gardening Supply. It's almost the same as Singapore's Carrefour , Except that TokyoHands doesn't sell Food. 

Here's some of the interesting things to look out for:
[Location : Level 7 TokyoHands (Shinjuku) ]
Japanese Toys

Badges. Really Nice but also really expensive ._.

Not that i'm encouraging gambling but the designs here are not too bad

Check out this genius Collection of Animal Exoskeletons
Colored Animal exoskeleton. What animal do you see?

Do you see a fish?
Frog design's still the best . Do you see the frog?

After Shopping at Tokyo Hands, we went to Kinokuniya at B1 of Takashimaya Times Square, another place with extremely creative and organized display of products.

*And wait , when I say Kinokuniya, I'm not referring to the bookstore. In Japan, Kinokuniya is also the name of a supermarket.


Tomatoes[Yuck] & other Vegetables

Fried Chicken + Cheese & other fried food

Cool looking bread :D

:D :D :D

More Bread!

Hate Tomatoes but you got to admit that this arrangement is awesome


Anyone knows what this is ?

More Vegetables !

Onions , Potatoes ... etc

Ham , Sausages ... etc

Japanese Crackers!

After shopping around, we left the department store and began hunting for food along the streets of Shinjuku...

Manage to find a nice Okonomiyaki Store to settle our dinner after 20 minutes ++ of aimless wandering
We placed our orders and the food came REAAAALLLY quick. Later did we realize the reason why the food came so quickly was because it was.....


RAW ._.

To our huge ass horror, we had to cook our own dinner. Nope, no staff is gonna help us :/  So to future D.I.Y Okonomiyaki shop customers. Here's how its done :

1) Dip the brush provided into the bowl of oil and spread it on the cooking area such that it forms a circle of any size that makes you jist
2) Mix the bowl of  ingredients together.You might want to add salt or pepper to enhance the taste *Make sure you break the yolk and stir it evenly!
3) Pour the mixture into the circular area marked out with the oil you've prepared previously. *Waits for it to cook* Use the two spatulas to flip the okonomiyaki once the underside is cooked (golden brown).
4) Once both sides are cooked, plate it. You may want to add Barbeque Sauce + Mayonnaise [Optional]


The Cooking Area

Almost Done !

Done !

Later that Night , we went to the Tokyo Government Metropolitan Building's North Observatory Deck which is on the 45th floor of the building. Admission is free and it's open till 11.00pm !

*Tip : Go in the morning / afternoon when the sky is clear , you'll be able to see Mt Fuji , Tokyo Tower and many other famous Tokyo Attractions.

Tokyo Night View :)

That's all for now :) Stay tuned for Day 2 of my tokyo trip!

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